Often, when you are employed in the Netherlands, Dutch law will be applied to your employment contract. Dutch law can be very different from the law in your home country. Generally, Dutch employment law is considered to be employee friendly.
Either during your employment in the Netherlands or if your employment is coming to an end, you may have several questions. For instance, what are my rights when I am off sick for a long time? Is my non-competition clause enforceable? On what grounds can I be dismissed? Am I entitled to any compensation in case of dismissal?
At ScheerSanders we are able to give you answers to these and other questions, taking into account your individual circumstances.
We offer advice on all employment topics such as:
- employment agreements
- (change of) terms and conditions
- working hours
- holidays and special leave
- non-competition clauses
- illness
- unfair dismissal, reorganisation and redundancy
- compensation for dismissal
Although our lawyers always try to resolve issues amicably, if needed, we will also represent your interests in court.
For more information, please contact Irene Lansen or complete our contact form so we can contact you as soon as possible.
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