Health law in The Hague and the surrounding area
Delivering excellent healthcare is key. Our health lawyers prioritise using the law in service of what truly matters within your business: heathcare itself.
Many of our clients are healthcare institutions, ranging from pharmacies and youth care facilities to cosmetic clinics and elderly care centres. From larger institutions with extensive legal departments to smaller healthcare providers, we provide accessible and preferably preventive assistance.
Our lawyers are also there for you when things go wrong. We serve as your trusted advisor in matters such as disciplinary complaints, contracting issues, and/or supervision by the Inspection. In case of disputes, we offer advice, negotiation support, and, when necessary, litigation services.
Subareas of health law
- disciplinary law, right of complaint, and disputes
- incidents and emergencies
- collaboration in healthcare
- drafting treatment agreements
- youth care tenders
- patients’ rights
- supervision (IGJ/NZa/ACM)
- governance in healthcare
- specialisation in youth care
- specialisation in pharmacy
- specialisation in cosmetic care
- privacy in healthcare
- employment law in healthcare
Do you have questions about health law? Please contact us.
Do you have questions about health law? Please contact Anne Vokurka-Viruly for accessible assistance. Anne is the in-house counsel for many healthcare institutions and can guide you to the most suitable specialist within our team for your inquiry.
Yes, I need a health lawyer in the Hague!
Looking for a health lawyer in The Hague? ScheerSanders Lawyers is at your service. Please feel free to contact us without any further obligation for further inquiries or to discuss your case. Telephone us directly at +31 70 365 99 33 or complete our contact form. We are here to assist you.
Do you need a lawyer?
Please contact us!